Kia ora. I'm Tessa,

an editor and writer from

Aotearoa New Zealand.

I love stories: in books, in

magazines, on websites . . . if it has ​words, I'm into it – and on to it.

So, how can I help make

your story the best it can be?

How can I help

EDITING & PROOFREADING Tone, format, structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling. Does it read smoothly and clearly? Do aspects need to be expanded on, removed, rearranged or rewritten? Has te reo Māori content been used correctly? Throughout all of this, maintaining the writer’s unique voice and personality is key.

WRITING/CONTENT CREATION Recipes, memoir cowriting, magazine interviews and articles, press releases, content for websites . . . As well as writing from scratch, I can develop existing content.

CONSULTANCY & MS ASSESSMENT I can give you advice on how to improve your book, providing a report on what is working and what needs to be further developed before submitting to a publisher or self-publishing.

SUBEDITING I ensure a high standard of quality across a publication, consistency of tone and adherence to house style. Originating story ideas and writing them; conducting interviews; commissioning writers and photographers; managing budgets and schedules.

COOKBOOK INDEXING Specialising in cookbooks, I create a user-friendly and comprehensive map of the contents to help the reader quickly find exactly what they’re looking for.

They say

Tessa is an editor extraordinaire; she polishes my words and makes them sing.

–Christall Lowe, author of Kai

Tessa has been an invaluable resource. Her flexibility to write and edit articles to tight deadlines makes working with her a breeze.

–Lee Gutzewitz, content/social manager, Kings Plant Barn

Authors loved Tessa and she extended the same courtesy. Her calm demeanour, patience, diligence and creativity was a major asset.

–Jeremy Sherlock, senior publisher, Penguin Random House

Tessa was my saviour on my latest book. She transformed the text into something far more interesting.

-Tim Flach, photographer and creator of Birds

Get in touch